The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare summary

Background :

 William Shakespeare wrote this play between 1596 and 1599. Though this play is a comic work but is famous for its dramatic scenes. The Merchant of Venice summary revolves around a merchant of Venice, Antonio. Antonio is the protagonist of this play. He took a loan from a Jewish moneylender, Shylock, in order to help his friend. But Antonio is unable to pay back the loan.

Shylock demands a pound of flesh from his body in the absence of the repayment. Portia, a rich heiress, disguises as a lawyer and saves Antonio from Shylock. The plot of the Merchant of Venice summary is based on friendship, loyalty, wit, kindness, and humanity. 


 The story starts with Bassanio’s desire to marry Portia, a wealthy heiress of Belmont. In order to become a suitor to her, he is in need of 3000 ducats. He seeks Antonio’s help who is a merchant of Venice and also his friend. But, Antonio says that he is short of cash as his ships and merchandise are expected. However, he assures Bassanio that he can become surety for his loan.

Having been assured by Antonio’s guarantee, Bassanio takes a loan from Shylock, a Jewish moneylender. He names Antonio as the guarantor for the loan. Shylock is already upset with Antonio as Antonio lends money without interest and also holds prejudice towards Jews. However, he agrees to give a loan to Bassanio without interest but puts a condition stating that if Antonio is unable to pay the loan on the specified due date, he will take a pound of Antonio’s flesh.

Antonio signs the contract on seeing that the loan carries no interest, although Bassanio is not in favor of such a contract. However, Bassanio along with Gratiano, his friend leaves for Belmont to marry Portia. The author describes Gratiano as a young, over-talkative, tactless, and frivolous man.

In Belmont, Portia is meeting many suitors. But she is unable to get the right match. As per her father’s will, whoever picks up the right casket shall win Portia’s hand. The suitors get three caskets, namely gold, silver, and lead to choosing from. The Prince of Morocco, the first suitor chooses a gold casket while the Prince of Aragon, the second suitor, chooses the silver casket. But both of them are rejected as they choose the wrong casket. After this, it is Bassanio’s turn to choose a casket. Nerissa, Portia’s maid hints Bassanio by singing a song as Portia had met him before and wanted him to win. He thus picks up the lead casket. He hence wins Portia’s hand. Bassanio marries Portia and Gratiano marries Nerissa.

Meanwhile, Shylock’s daughter, Jessica ran away with Lorenzo, a Christian, and also got converted. Not only this, but she also stole a large amount of his wealth along with a turquoise ring that was a gift from his wife to him. Thus, Shylock became firm about avenging the Christians.

Antonio’s ships were lost at sea and thus he was unable to repay the loan amount. Hence, Shylock dragged him to the court. On receiving this news, Bassanio and Gratiano leave for Venice carrying the money to repay the loan from Portia.

In the court of Duke of Venice, Bassanio offers twice the amount of loan to Shylock. But he refuses the offer and insists that he needs a pound of flesh of Antonio. The Duke refers the case to Balthazar, a young lawyer. But in fact, that was Portia in disguise. Nerissa also disguises as a man and accompanies Portia as a law clerk. Portia requests Shylock to be kind and merciful but he insists on getting the pound of flesh.

As there was no way out, the court grants permission to Shylock. But as Antonio prepares himself for the knife, Portia says that as per the contract, Shylock can take out only flesh. Thus, if even one single drop of bloodsheds, his property shall be forfeited. She also adds to this by saying that he shall take out exactly one pound of flesh.

Shylock is thus left with no other choice than to accept Bassanio’s offer of money. But Portia argues that there is no need to pay him any amount of money as he has already refused it. She also says that as he is a Jew and wanted to take the life of a Venetian citizen, his property shall be confiscated. Half of the property goes to the State while half of it goes to Antonio. Also, his life is now on the mercy of the Duke.

However, the Duke pardons his life and also his property. Portia states that the Duke can not waive Antonio’s share anyways. Antonio says that he does not mind using Shylock’s half share until Shylock’s death after which he shall give the principal to Jessica and Lorenzo. He also asks Shylock to convert to Christianity. Shylock had to accept all these conditions after the threatening by the Duke to revoke his forgiveness.

Bassanio is unable to recognize Portia. He wishes to give her some presents. Portia asks him to give his wedding ring and Antonio’s gloves. After much persuasion by Antonio, he gives his ring to her. She later teases him about this incidence. In the end, Antonio learns from Portia that his ships have returned safely.


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