51 Famous Feminist Writers and Their Works

1. Mary Wollstonecraft- A Vindication of the Right of Women (1792)
2. Simone De Beauvoir- The Second Sex (1949)
3. Helen Cixous- The Laugh of The Medusa (1975)
4. Elaine Showalter- Towards the Feminst Poetics (1977)
5. Judith Butler- Gender Trouble (1990)
6. Luce Irigaray- This Sex Which is Not One (1977)
7. Julia Kristeva- Semiotike (1969)
8. Margaret Atwood- The Handmaid’s Tale
9. Alice Walker- In Search of our Mother
10. Doris Lessing- The Golden Book
11. Angela Carter- The Bloody Chamber
12. Jane Austen- Emma
13. Alice Walker- Color Purple
14. Tony Morrison- Black Feminism
15. Louisa May Alcott- Little Women
16. Virginia Woolf- Orlando, Dalloway
17. Gertrude Stein- LGBTQ
18. Sylvia Plath- The Bell Jar
19. Margaret Atwood- Handmaid’s Tale
20. Maya Angelou- I Know Why the Caged Bird Sing
21. George Sand- Indiana
22. George Eliot- Middlemarch
23. Amy Tan- The Joy Lucky Club
24. Octavia E Butler- Mind of My Mind
25. Bell Hooks- All About Love
26. Sandra Cisneros- The House on Mango Street
27. Andre Lorde- The First Cities
28. Kate Bornstein- My New Gender Workbook
29. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie- We Should All Be Feminist
30. Caitlin Moran- How to Build A Girl
31. Roxane Gay- Bad Feminist
32. Linda West- Notes From a Loud Woman
33. Malala Yousafzai- I am Malala
34. Betty Friedan- The Feminine Mystique
35. Gloria Steinem- New York Magazine
36. Elizabeth Cady Staton- The Woman’s Bible
37. Mary Shelley- Frankenstein
38. Sappho- Sapphi Meter
39. George Sand- La Mare au Diable
40. Christina Rossetti- Goblin Market
41. Adrienne Rich- Driving into the Wreck
42. Joyce Carol Oates- My Heart
43. Edna St. Vincent Millay- The Ballad of the Harp Weaver
44. Doris Lessing- The Golden Notebook
45. Maxine Hong Kempe- Feminist ideas
46. Sarah Orne Jewett- Local Colour
47. Zora Neale Hurston- Their Eyes Were Wating God
48. Lillian Hellman- The Children’s Hour
49. Lorraine Hansberry- A Raisin in the sun
50. Margaret Fuller- Women in the Nineteen Century
51. Marilyn French- The Women’s Room


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