π Feminism started as a political movement in 1960s
π Virginia Woolf's popular lectures published as essays in the title 'A Room of One's Own'.
π The Second Sex (1949) is a popular work written by Simone De Beauvoir.
π Toril Moi, a French Philosopher, has written the work 'Feminist Literary Criticism '
π According to Toril Moi, the term ' Feminism ' is a 'political position '
π According to Toril Moi, the term Femine' is culturally defined characteristics.
π Toril Moi demystifies the term female as a matter of biology.
π Patriarchy/paternal authority perpetuated the sexual inequality in men and women.
π Elaine Showalter is an American Feminist critic .
π The term 'gynocritics'is coined by Elaine Showalter in 1970s
π The aim of 'gynocritics' is to construct a female framework for the analysis of women's Literature.
π The right order of three phrases of feminist literary history by Elaine Showalter is ' feminine, feminist, female's
π Elaine Showalter's feminist phase is between 1880-1920 known for protest/radical equality.
π Elaine Showalter's third phase - female phase from 1920 onwards is known for self-discovery.
π Anglo American Feminist critics (1970s) focus on close reading of a text, otherwise known as formalising.
π English Feminist Criticism (1980s) tends to be class conscious, socialist feminist and aligned with Marxism.
π French Feminist Criticism focuses on ' Language and Psychology " aligned with post- structuralists and Psychology, esp Laccan, Foucult, and Derrida .
π Some of the practitioners of Anglo American Feminist critics are Elaine Showalter, Sandra Gilbert, Susan Guber.
π Sexual/ Textual politics is a prominent work by Toril Moi, an Eng feminist critic.
πWomen and Labour (1911) by Oliver Schreiner.
π The Subjection of women(1869) by John Stuart Mill.
π The Origin of Family - Friedrich Engels
π The Laugh of Medusa by Helen Cixous.
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