Geoffrey Chaucer
William langland 
John Wycliffe
John Mandeville
Thomas Hoccleve 
John lydgate
Thomas Malory
Desiderius Erasmus
Thomas More
William Tyndale
Thomas Wyatt
Thomas Norton and Sackville
Beaumont and Fletcher
Francis bacon
Ben Jonson
Edmund Spencer
Philip Sidney
William Shakespeare
Christopher Marlowe
Robert green
Thomas Nash
John lyly
Ben Jonson
John Milton
John Dryden
John Donne
Andrew Marvel
Alexander Pope
John Bunyan
William congreve
William wycherley 
Samuel Johnson
Henry fielding
Aphra Ben
Samuel Richardson
Tobias smollett
Laurence stern
R B Sheridan
William Wordsworth
S T Coleridge
Charles lamb
Thomas de Quincy
PB Shelley
Lord Byron
Marry Shelley
Ann Radcliffe
Maria Edgeworth
Sir Walter Scott
Robert Southey
William Blake
William Hazlitt
Jane Austen
John Keats
Charlotte Bronte
Emily Bronte
Walter pater
R L Stevenson
Matthew Arnold
Elizabeth Browning
Robert Browning
Lord Tennyson
Charles Dickens
Lewis Carroll
William M Thackeray
Robert Browning
Oscar Wilde
John Ruskin
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
George Eliot
G M Hopkins
Thomas Hardy 
D G Rossetti
Christina Rossetti
Rudyard Kipling
Harold Pinter
H G Wells
Wilfred Owen
W H Auden
W Somerset Maugham
W B Yeats
Joseph Conrad
S L Sassoon
T E Hume
Dylan Thomas
G K Chesterton
Sean O Casey
Arnold Bennett
Virginia Woolf
T S Eliot
George Orwell
J B Priestly
Aldous Huxley
John Galsworthy
E M Forster
G B Shaw
James Joyce
Christopher Isherwood
D H Lawrence
Katherine Mansfield
Dorothy Richardson
Stephen Spender
Graham Greene
Lady Gregory
William Golding
Martin Amis
John Osborne
Lawrence Durrell
Eugene ionesco
Carol Ann Duffy
Muriel spark
Tom stoppard
Dorris Lessing 
Kingsley Amis
Irish Murdoch
Christopher Fry
Bertrand Russell
J M Keynes
Philip Larkin
Anthony Burgess 
Alan sillitoe
Evelyn Waugh
C P Snow 
V S Naipaul
Samuel Beckett
Angela Carter
David lodge
Zadie Smith
Ted Hughes
Seamus Heaney
Julian Barnes
Margaret Drabble
Paul Beatty


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