The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner summary

Introduction :

The Sound and the Fury is a 1929 novel by William Faulkner. It tells the story of the Compson family, a once-great aristocratic family that is now in decline. The novel is divided into four parts, each of which is narrated by a different member of the Compson family.

The first part of the novel is narrated by Benjy Compson, a mentally disabled young man. Benjy's narration is fragmented and stream-of-consciousness, and it is difficult to follow at times. However, Benjy's narration provides a unique perspective on the Compson family and their downfall.

The second part of the novel is narrated by Quentin Compson, Benjy's older brother. Quentin is a brilliant but troubled young man who is obsessed with the past and with the decline of his family. Quentin's narration is more coherent than Benjy's, but it is still full of symbolism and complex imagery.

The third part of the novel is narrated by Jason Compson, Quentin's younger brother. Jason is a materialistic and ruthless young man who is only interested in making money. Jason's narration is straightforward to follow, but it is also very cynical and unflattering.

The fourth part of the novel is narrated by Dilsey Gibson, the Compson family's black servant. Dilsey is a wise and compassionate woman who is the only person who seems to truly care about the Compson family. Dilsey's narration is the most coherent and straightforward in the novel, and it provides a much-needed sense of order and stability.

The Sound and the Fury is a complex and challenging novel, but it is also a rewarding one. Faulkner's masterful use of language and his unique narrative structure create a novel that is both haunting and unforgettable.

Summary of the main plot points:

• The Compson family is a once-great aristocratic family that is now in decline.

• The novel is narrated by four different members of the Compson family: Benjy, Quentin, Jason, and Dilsey.

• Benjy is a mentally disabled young man who has a unique perspective on the Compson family and their downfall.

• Quentin is a brilliant but troubled young man who is obsessed with the past and with the decline of his family.

• Jason is a materialistic and ruthless young man who is only interested in making money.

• Dilsey is a wise and compassionate woman who is the only person who seems to truly care about the Compson family.

• The novel explores themes of family, loss, and the decline of the American South.


• Family

• Loss

• The decline of the American South

• Mental illness

• Obsession

• Materialism

• Compassion


The Sound and the Fury is a classic novel that remains relevant today. It is a powerful story about the importance of family, love, and compassion.



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