Post Structuralism

 Post Structuralism 

@ Derrida's lecture , ' Structure, Sign, and play' in the discourse of the human sciences '(1996) is an important landmark in Post-structuralist reading.

@ Post Structuralism is based on philosophy.

@ Post Structuralism is a break from Structuralism and pioneered by Roland Barthes.

@ Roland Barthes write ,'The death of the Author ' in 1968 to announce that reader produces the text 

@ Derrida claimed that 'The universe is relativistic or decentered and there are no absolutes/ fixed points.

@ Derrida states Texts are fragmented ,self divided and centerless.

@'There is nothing outside the text' is a popular statement from Derrida.

@Deconstructionists look for ' internal contradictions or inconsistency in the text'.

@ Deconstructionists aim to show the disunity which underlies text's apparent unity.

@ The three stages of Deconstructive reading are the verbal, textual and linguistic phase.

@Peter Barry cites Dylan Thomash poem, ' A refusal to mourn the death,by fire, of a child in London", to illustrate deconstructive reading.

@ Post-structuralists explore the 'textual subconscious '

@ Post-structuralists read the text against itself.

@ Post structuralists trace shifts and breaks in a text as to find the repressed, called fault lines 

@ The post structuralists are Roland Barthes, Paul de man, Jacques Derrida.


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