Fools in the Plays of Shakespeare
1. A Fool: Timon of Athens
2. Autolycus: The Winter’s Tale
3. Citizen: Julius Caesar
4. Cloten: Cymbeline
5. Clown: Othello
6. Clown: The Winter’s Tale
7. Costard: Love’s Labour’s Lost
8. Dromio of Ephesus: The Comedy of Errors
9. Dromio of Syracuse: The Comedy of Errors
10. Falstaff: King Henry IV, Part 1&2
11. Feste: Twelfth Night (he is regarded as the wise fool employed by Olivia)
12. Grumio: The Taming of the Shrew
13. Launce: The Two Gentlemen of Verona
14. Louncelot Gobbo: The Merchant of Venice
15. Shylock: The Merchant of Venice
16. Lavache: All’s well that ends well
17. Nick Bottom: Midsummer Night’s Dream
18. Pompey: Measure for Measure (employee of brothel)
19. Puck: Midsummer Night’s Dream
20. Speed: Two Gentlemen of Verona
21. The Fool: King Lear
22. The Gravediggers: Hamlet
23. The Porter: Macbeth
24. Thersites: Troilus and Cressida
25. Touchstone: As You Like It
26. Trinculo: The Tempest
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