Types of Feminism

Liberal Feminism

Liberal Feminism has mottos like" there can be no free men until there are free women"," A man of equality is not threatened by a woman for equality" that's why it shared with Liberalism these ideas:
Human equality.

Human rationality.
Importance of individual rights.

Radical Feminism

 Radical Feminism appeared as a direct reaction to liberal Feminism. Multiple radical feminisms came to life and all share a critique of Liberalist Feminism for accepting the status quo socially and economically. In accordance to that, we have radical feminisms like:

Socialist Feminism:

 It argues that patriarchy and capitalism are linked; both are exploiting the
female gender.

Lesbian Feminism: 

It criticizes the society's definition of heterosexuality as normal and all
other sexualities as deviant

Anti-pornography Feminism:

 It argues that pornography fosters violence against women. Whereas, Liberal Feminism emphasizes the 1st amendment of free speech rights.

Diversity Feminism

Diversity Feminism focuses on the needs and perspectives of non-Anglo, non-Western and non-affluent women who must be taken into consideration. It contradicts with Liberal Feminism which ignores the different perspectives and neglects the fact that women's issue
change across cultures and across time; no single Feminist voice or point of view.


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