Romantic Period (1798-1832)

#William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
1. Preface to the Lyrical Ballads  
2. The Lyrical Ballads 
3. The prelude(BOOK-1) 
4. The excursion 
5. Tintern Abbey 
6. Immortality Ode 
7. Ode on Intimations of immortality  
8. Michel 
9. The solitary Reaper 
10. Laodamia 
11. Ode to Duty 
12. To Milton 
13. The Leech-Gatherer 
14. Upon Westminster Abbey 
15. The Rainbow 
16. We Are Seven 
17. To the Cuckoo 
18. The Daffodils 
19. Lucy Gray 
20. Simon Lee 
21. Early Spring 
22. Strange Fits of Passion Have I Known 
23. The World Is Too Much with Us

#S.T. Coleridge (1772-1834)
1. Table Talk 
2. Aids to Reflection 
3. Biographia Liter aria 
4. Christabel 
5. Kubla Khan 
6. The Rime of the Ancient  
7. France: An Od 
8. Dejection : An Ode (Ode  
to Dejection) 
9. Frost at Midnight 
10. Destiny of Nations 
11. Youth And Age 
12. Religious Musings
#John Keats (1795-1821)
1. Endymion 
2. Ode on a Grecian Urn, 
3. Lamia 
4. Hyperion 
5. The Eve of St. Agnes 
6. isabella 
7. The Eve of St.Mark 
8. La Belle Dame Sans Merci 
9. Ode to a Nighting 
10. Ode to Autumn 
11. Ode to Psyche 
12. On Melanchol 
13. Bright star
#P.B.Shelley (1792-1822)
1. On the Necessity of Atheism 
2. The Revolt of Islam 
3. Prometheus Unbound 
4. The Mask of Anarchy 
5. Hellas 
6. The Cenci 
7. The Witch of Atlas 
8. The Indian Serenade 
9. Ozymandias of Egypt 
10. Epiisychidion 
11. Alaster 
12. Queen Mab 
13. Adonais 
14. Ode to the West Wind 
15. The Cloud 
16. Ode to a Skylark 
17. World ! O Life !Time ! 
18. A Defence of Poetry
19. To Night 
20. The Sensitive Plant 
21. A Lament

#Charles Lamb (1775-1834) 
1. Essay of Elia 
(Christ's Hospital, The South Sea House, Dream children,  
New Year's Eve) 
2. John Woodvil 
3. Tales from Shakespeare 
4. Specimen of English Dramatic  
5. The English Comic Writers 
6. Northanger abbey
#William Hazlitt (1778-1830) 

1. My First Acquaintance with Poets. 
2. Character of Shakespeare plays 
3. The English poets 
4. The Spirit of the Age 
5. The round Table: A collection 
6. Table talk of Men and Manners 
7. The English Comic Writer
#John Austen (1775-1871) 

1. Sense and sensibility 
2. Northanger Abbey 
3. Mansfield Park 
4. Emma 
5. Persuasion 
6. Pride and Prejudice
#Emily Bronte (1818-1848) 

 Wuthering Heights


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